Sunday, December 9, 2012

DIY Yoga Socks (No Knit/Crochet)

It's been a while...but I have another post for you! I'm going to tell/show you how to make yoga socks from a sweater! I made these for my mom. I told her I would knit some for her...last Christmas. That failed, so I decided to take a shortcut :P

Anyways, all you need is something soft, a t-shirt, a sweater, whatever you've got. You can even use a different pair of socks to make them! (If you use a shirt, make sure it can stretch a little!)

After you find your warm and fuzzy thing, get a sock that belongs to the person you're making these for (yourself, right?).

I flattened the sock so the heel was facing down and laid it on the shirt.
 As you can see, I already used part of this shirt...that was my first I pushed the sock up as far as it could go so the leg part of the sock would be longer!

Then you just cut around the sock and leave a little room, if possible. Then flip it, so it's inside out, and sew it up! You're more than halfway done!!!

Now you want to put it on, and move it where you want it to be on your foot. Then you trace where you want to cut out the heel, take off the sock and cut! (I cut my heel-spot a bit too be careful!)

Then, repeat with the other sock!

They don't look too hot when they're just lying on the put them on already! ;)

 Mine  My mom's, reach pretty far up my leg,when I tried them on for this picture. I'm pretty satisfied. You can hem the openings if you care to, put i like how mine my mom's look.

I even put a cute label on them and tied them up in a bow. I love Christmas. And presents.

Sorry about the blurry picture...

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial! Now go on, make some YOGA SOCKS! <3

P.S. I plan to make my own soon. (:


Any questions?